I am so surprised after I read the news that allegedly the women in Dove's earlier campaign for Real Beauty were retouched! Pascal Dangin, a retoucher (supposedly for the campaign), told The New Yorker: “Do you know how much retouching was on that? But it was great to do, a challenge, to keep everyone’s skin and faces showing the mileage but not looking unattractive.” As one of the girls with curves and not-so smooth skin, I can relate with Dove's Real Beauty campaign and I believe that is how most of Dove's customers feel. If it is true then it is a bit ironic and a major PR disaster for Dove, especially after their Dove Evolution viral video. But then Dove has been having problem with their Onslaught campaign, in one hand they are criticizing the distorted images in Beauty Campaign, however Axe (who shared the same mother company: Unilever) has always used buxom women in their sexually charged ads. Plus there is a matter with Greenpeace that claims Unilever's palm oils purchasing practices have killed many Orang Utan in Indonesia because the rain forest is being cleared out for palm oils plantation.
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