Friday, May 30, 2008
When you have slow Friday
Dearest readers, I know this is Friday again and it is the time where you kept on glancing on the clocks and silently urge it to tick faster. It is not in my case today but if you are very bored than I will suggest you to visit Warning though, it only works in an awfully bored condition.
Google's Android
I love technology, I can't live without it but sometimes when they are too complex, I rather leave it to the experts. However, this has to be one of the coolest emerging technology. Look at the 3D Google Map! WOW! It does remind me a bit to Apple's iPhone.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Some Photo's of the Day

Facebook Gangsta
This is soooo not connected but when I found this video, I can't help sharing it especially with those who have facebook account. Does it hit a bit too close to home for comfort?
Facebook Gangsta from Facebook Gangsta on Vimeo.
Facebook Gangsta from Facebook Gangsta on Vimeo.
Pushing hoax?

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Twittering about

What is it?
Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co–workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing? Bloggers can use it as a mini-blogging tool.
How do I use it?
Tell us what you’re doing in 140 characters or less! Send your thoughts, observations, and goings-on in your day. Whether you’re “eating an apple” or “looking foward to the weekend” or “Heading out of town” it’s twitter-worthy. Join us here. All of your personal information including your phone number is, of course, confidential.
But… what is the point?
As it turns out, your best friend is probably interested in knowing if you’re “loving the new Radiohead album.” And yes, your Mom may want to know if you’re “skipping breakfast in favor of a latte.” You might want to know if your significant other “feels like taking a roadtrip.” Find out what your friends are doing; keep each other abreast of your quotidian rituals.

On the business side, if you have built a Twitter credential, just like the way of bloggers, you will have a very good tool to advertise and reach your followers. For example you have just written an article, then you tweet the link and inadvertently helps to increase the traffic to your article. You can subtly endorse certain brand without doing the personal mouth-to-mouth tradition. Free online advertising and brand channeling comes in 1 easy form. Many companies started to make use Twitter to reach their audience: the American presidential candidates use it for publicity, CNN is beginning to break news with Twitter, Tennis Channel is hyping French Open with Twitter, and so forth. So what can I say? Twitter is going to open a new way of marketing.
VW golf convinces me
I think that IF I am going to buy a car, I am going to buy VW Golf Variant only because of its Park Distance Control. I am a terrible when it comes to parking (lets don't go to the stereotype of girls are bad driver), but I admit that I have a pretty bad spatial placing ability compared to other people in general so this ads totally convinces me that they can help me.

Monday, May 26, 2008
Tag Galaxy: 3D tags for your FlickR

Productive Monday
Geek alert!

Rafael Nadal vs Alien Tennis Match by Kia Motors
The post is involving Nadal/tennis again but this is one of the most bizarre viral video I have ever seen. I don't know whether I should be laughing or wincing when I played it over again. Obviously I would hate it if I don't share my bizarre experience with you. Enjoy and tell me what you think kay?
Do you remember Twistori that I mentioned a few weeks ago? Well now in the anticipation for French Open, there is Twennis (courtesy to Tennis Channel) which is fed with all tennis related twitters. From "OMG I just saw Nadal in airport" to "Just won Nintendo Wii tennis. Kick ass!", this website is definitely suitable for tennis maniacs who want to follow the matches in different way :-)

Friday, May 23, 2008
Shiatsu Kotsukan: press to relax

I am one of those people that enjoy popping bubble wrap, it is just fun and relaxing when I hear the 'pop' sound. So when I see this poster from Shiatsu Konsukan, I can relate with the message that they are trying to say. I think I will even get one this weekend, I have been sitting for too long in front of the computer ...
The Biggest Drawing in the World

Chevrolet's jab on Citröen dancing car
Citröen's break dancing transformer car might be cool, but the folks in Chevrolet think that you should get real. Low jab but hey everything goes! Especially when the rise of gas price is hitting everyone quite hard, it would have taken quite a bit of your gas if your car kept on dancing :-P
Sexy Subaru: Japanese SUVS Just Got a Little Sexier
Sex sells. Everyone knows it. However on this climate, companies have to tread carefully in this line so they do not appear to be misogynist and alienated certain segment of their customers. Cars are especially tricky because in their long standing history, they have always been targeted towards male population. Remember Paris' commercial for Carl's Jr. Burger? It was so 'hot' that it was banned from television. Well replace Paris with a group of Sumo wrestlers and this is what you get ....
PS: They are also running a micro site for this campaign. There you can join the competition to snap your sumo wrestler in his sexiest pose. Here is mine ;-)
PS: They are also running a micro site for this campaign. There you can join the competition to snap your sumo wrestler in his sexiest pose. Here is mine ;-)

Thursday, May 22, 2008
Nutri Grain: bring back the office tea trolley

Super Chill Monkey Does Hollywood
Do you still remember the Levi's (obvious) viral video called "Guys back flip into jeans"? The same agency has also brought another viral video but this time it is starred by Rocky, the Orang Utan! Just like every struggling actors in Hollywood, Rocky goes to audition and has to eat cheap food, however he is also connected with his mobile phone technology. So whats the giveaway to Levi's stealth campaign? It is the emphasis on Rocky's cute red tab jeans.
Extinction timeline
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Local attraction
This morning, my friend sent me a picture of a guy hanging around on a 'skyscraper' in the city of Rotterdam. After a couple minutes of googling (bless this technology), I found out that this giant human nest is made by Benjamin Verdonck. He has done this installation (the Great Swallow) before in Brussel but he is going to be hanging around his gigantic nest until the 22nd of May. I was told that this is part of his protest so people would stop chopping off trees and let birds come back to city, however I am not 100% sure.

Fila Viral
I am busy these days so I will just share with you a brief popular viral video from Fila with a touch of tough gangster.
This could get ugly
I always love ads with a good dose oh humor in it, any thing that makes you smile is a good thing right? The execution from Power Horse Ads tickles my fancy, especially the one with the kindergarten children. Coming from big family (I am the eldest), I know what kind of hell that can break loose if you are surrounded by super energetic children in sugar rush.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
Coolspotters is a good complementary site for those who are quite obsessed with their celebrities. Do you want to know what kind of car Reese Witherspoon is driving? Then you don't have to spend your money on buying all of the gossip rags, you only have to follow your favourite celebrities in Coolspotters to find out which products they used (and you can even contribute to the site). In a way I supposed this is a good way if your products are out there with "accidental" celebrity's endorsement but sometimes certain companies don't want to be associated with certain celebrities. Remember what happened with Burberry and WAGs and chavs?

Brand tags and Celebrities tags: the answer
Hi, as promised last Friday, I will give you answers to our guessing games. The first one is McDonald and the second one is Jessica Simpsons. Did you get it right?
Friday, May 16, 2008
Before I have to leave you for my weekend, I would like to share with you Twistori, a social experiment based on Twitter and inspired by Jonathan Harris' We Feel Fine. Just like We Feel Fine, you can read what people love, hate, think, believe, feel, and wish in real time. It is a good way to spend your boring day, it even could be inspiring.

Brand tags and Celebrities tags

Googling for the eggcident

Disturbing social message
There are more and more ads out there which are pretty disturbing on its nature. I suppose by shocking people, they hope that the message comes across stronger leaves bigger impressions. Problem is, there are some which are so disturbing that it is no longer about the message. However there is one anti-smoking campaign that I like. The idea is simple, they installed a lung x-ray on a cigarette bin and you can see all of the discarded buds inside. I am not a smoker but even that leaves a bitter taste on my mouth.

Thursday, May 15, 2008
Apple's video: again and again
After Levi's not-so-subtle video, now the online community is being lured by the Bird and the Bee's Again and Again music video that to show case Apple Mac Leopard OS's abilities. The video cleverly edited by a digital filmmaker Dennis Liu and so far there are quite many fascinated viewers!
Competing for attention
I read somewhere that if you live in big city like London, once you wake up, you will be bombarded with 2-3 products every 1 minute of your waking life. People is constantly being bombarded with advertisements that they are desensitized and accustomed into having small attention time span. So what to do if you are one of the companies trying to compete for their attentions? Some of them are going to such length that you (innocent passerby) can no longer ignore them.
Pantene is demonstrating that their shampoo can help to make your hair as strong as Rapunzel's. Strong enough to hoist your very own prince charming! Friskies' tryvertising is not aimed to human but it is good enough to gain attentions.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Levi's viral video
This is pretty old but I still don't get Levi's (pretty obvious) viral video. Are they going to sell more jeans with it? I supposed people just enjoy watching another people doing another amazing/silly feats but I can't help but cringe every time they acrobat (jump, backflip, and so forth) into the jeans. It must be painful for your err crotch. Just watch and judge it yourself.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
DIY Hermes Kelly Bag
Hermes Kelly Bag is the IT bag, any fashionistas worth their salts know it. You know it and I know it, but unfortunately not all of us are lucky enough to own one. For those who are desperate enough to have one, now you can make one by yourself! Just go Hermes website: download the pattern, print, cut, fold, glue, and then personified your very own paper Hermes bag ;-)

Big Brother is watching you
Dear readers, I wonder if Bluetooth application is the new de rigeur in the advertising world? After the exciting use of that technology in China, today I found another campaign who is doing Bluetooth technology too, but this time, it is to launch the Big Brither 2008 reality tv in Australia. They installed Bluetooth transmitters in over 20 high-traffic bus shelters around the town which then will automatically send 2 anonymous SMS to anyone standing within the range. The first message is tailored following each location and the second message (sent 30-40 seconds later) is to reveal. Funnily, I have always felt that we are turning into a Big Brother society, with all of the CCTV and new speak, but this campaign really hits the heart of my paranoid concern!

Friday, May 9, 2008
Slow Friday

Thursday, May 8, 2008
Dove's Beauty Campaign is a fake?

I am so surprised after I read the news that allegedly the women in Dove's earlier campaign for Real Beauty were retouched! Pascal Dangin, a retoucher (supposedly for the campaign), told The New Yorker: “Do you know how much retouching was on that? But it was great to do, a challenge, to keep everyone’s skin and faces showing the mileage but not looking unattractive.” As one of the girls with curves and not-so smooth skin, I can relate with Dove's Real Beauty campaign and I believe that is how most of Dove's customers feel. If it is true then it is a bit ironic and a major PR disaster for Dove, especially after their Dove Evolution viral video. But then Dove has been having problem with their Onslaught campaign, in one hand they are criticizing the distorted images in Beauty Campaign, however Axe (who shared the same mother company: Unilever) has always used buxom women in their sexually charged ads. Plus there is a matter with Greenpeace that claims Unilever's palm oils purchasing practices have killed many Orang Utan in Indonesia because the rain forest is being cleared out for palm oils plantation.
New kind of music
Another busy but beautiful day. I kept on forgetting to share this 'music video' courtesy to one of my colleague Ben. Unknowingly, these music geeks had been busy developing new experience for us, common people. I am aware of a laser harp but this definitely take it to a new level and although it is not my type of music, this is quite impressive dude!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Talking about shoes, I found an interesting campaign from Nike in China following the summer Olympic fever. Regular passer-bys receiving Bluetooth signals from Nike closest billboards, and then they will receive messages to run to the closest Nike store where the second Bluetooth signal will record their time. Everyday during the length of Nike Zoom campaign, the store gave away a different pair of running shoes for the fastest person. Apart from the annoying message (if you don’t feel like running) and the creepy Big Brother-ish feeling, I like the idea of technological approach. I even hope that they will try to run the campaign outside China .

Call for fashionable orthopedic shoes
Dear beloved readers, have I told you that women shoes are currently the bane of my existence? I have stay at bed today because I can’t even walk without feeling a searing pain up on my left heels. Apparently my flat supposed-to-be sensible shoes are not properly fitted, the soles are too thin and they do not provide adequate support (said the expert). This is when I thought that I am being wise by not wearing high heels too often! I will have to resort into wearing orthopaedic shoes or gel pad to soften the pressure. Imagine the horror of wearing those ugly shoes! Why can’t we have fashionable pretty shoes which are friendly towards our general health? The cutest one that I can find (bless the miracle of internet connection) is a ballerina from Crocs, but can’t we have any other options? What if I need dressier shoes? Give me more choice!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The second express post is about Scrabble, one the most popular traditional board game (now also available in digital version). I learned a lot of new English vocabularies by playing it with my sister and I will definitely vote it as one of my favourite game along with Lego ☺. So what is the news? Well, it is about one their latest ads that I love! Especially because they embody the very essence of words playing scrabble.

Express Post on HP Ripped Sidewalk Standee

OMG, I can’t believe that how much I missed out. Holiday is always fun but it is such a pain when you come back and have to catch up! Anyway, I will just be really brief with this post, so much info but so little time. First one is this Hewlett Packard’s latest gimmick to show that the qualities of their printers almost resemble the real thing. I know that this is soooo last week but I can't help it. Don’t you think that it is very clever? It will definitely rouse my curiosity or at least reminds me to a bad case of partying too hard.

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