Monday, March 31, 2008

Speak the language and get your message across

My high school literary teacher always says that in order to get your message across, you have to speak in the language that people understand. At that time I was too busy agonizing over our 15 minutes public speech assignment than actually taking it into account. Thankfully, I managed to do my speech without much of accidents. Now, since I work in the communication field, this piece of advice rings especially true. Basic communication is all about getting your message across your target audience. A good example is this advertisement for Eizens Sport Center. Everyone knows that you need exercise in order to maintain you health but to some guys, those reasons are not motivational enough. So how to motivate them then? By approaching them with different angle and speak to them with the lads’ language. The Eizen Sport Center’s print ad depicts a potbelly as a mountain that a fat guy has to climb in order to get the fun having hot girls. So join the center, get a flat belly, and your journey to the girls will be smoother!

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