Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Having fun while being green

With climate change in the fore mind, there have been many new ventures sprouting to help turning all aspects of our life greener. Ranging from eco-friendly products to guilt free holiday, companies are ready to go further than ever to prove their green creds and we as customers can definitely benefit from it. One of the latest offering that I love is the wind-powered mobile phone charger in Glastonbury Festival courtesy to Orange.

First of its kind, the recharge pod is a self-sufficient unit that taps into a wind generator and solar panels to charge as many as 100 mobile phones per hour. Developed by the renewable energy specialists Gotwind, the recharge pod will serve as a trial for using renewable energy sources on a larger scale at future festivals. The recharge pod will be stationed within the Pennard Hill camping grounds at Glastonbury throughout the weekend of June 27–29, when the event takes place. What is better than a green Free Love?My second green love is the latest eco-nightclub in London. Following the green footsteps of San Fransisco's Temple Nightclub and Rotterdam's Watt, Club4Climate in Bar Surya is even installed with a piezoelectric dance floor that will generate electricity for the building! Organised by Club4Climate, the club also provides organic drinks and if you can prove you walked, biked or took public transportation to the club, you can get in for free :-)

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