I am not good with keeping my papers in place. I simply shove them all in one box and then spend hours rummaging through them whenever the need rises. I hate those documents, there is always a worry that I’m going to unintentionally throw them away or just lose them. Recently, I started to scan my important papers so I can keep the digital versions in my personal email. However, I’m still anxious that someone is going to gain access to my email and my personal records. I have read so many identity-theft stories on the media and I needed something more. I find the solution with digital vault service, which is offered by several online storage firms and banks. My local bank,
ABN AMRO has Digitale Kluis service where I can upload and store my precious documents to a secure place for 14 Euros a month. In the States, there is also a same service provided
Wells Fargo, charging 4.95 US$ for 1 gigabyte or 14.95US$ for 6 gigabyte per month. This makes me wonder if this is one of the service that will become common in our digital fuelled era. What do you all think? Comments are welcome ;-)